Sunday, January 15, 2012

He made a mistake?

So did God make a mistake? Billions seem to claim he did! Does God make mistakes? If he does then I have to worry!


Hollywood! Thats one hell of a whore house! Whats the difference? They make lots of money and get to sleep with each other. They get married for a couple of months, have sex, lots of sex, then go after each other's money, get divorced and start all over again with another partner. The funny part is we pay for them to have sex!


The English Oxford dictionary refers the word bastard as an iligitimate child. In the old days calling a person bastard was considered abusive and often lead to damaging consequences. Now that it is normal for a man and wife to refer to themselves as partners (because they are not married), I presume that it is still legitimate and legal to call their offsprings, BASTARDS? Or will we see the dictionary change the interpretation?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Future for Iraq

A secular state is the only way forward. Religion has no place in a democratic society, if democracy is the model for Iraq's future!
Ha! The US is happy bragging they put a democratically elected Prime Minister. Only an idiot would believe such idiotic statement. He was the loser guys, come on. Who is kidding who?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Iraq & Security

I become even more disillusioned whenever I hear/read about how the security in Iraq is improving. If there is an improvement then why don’t the government ministers get out of the green zone and begin to function from their ministries in the city.

Security my ass! They're still hiding in the trees across the river and filling their pockets with the people's billions.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Desalinating Iraq

The mess the USA has made of its invasion of Iraq needs desalination!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Car Pile Up in the UAE

Many people from around the world must have now seen the horrific car pile up that occurred on the highway from Abu Dhabi to Dubai early yesterday morning. I have personally driven on this road many times and I can honestly say that the majority of those that use this road should never have been issued with a driving license.

 I personally don’t blame the drivers themselves but those who issued them the license.

 One very occasionally sees traffic police sitting in their cars staring at God knows what, while cars go shooting past as if they are on an F1 racing track. It is a very scary road to drive on but then so are many other roads in the UAE.

 I have yet to see a posh car, whether with dark tinted glass or otherwise, being stopped and penalized for dangerous driving whether for excessive speed or just zigzagging in and out of lanes. I guess these people have a 007 license when they use these roads. Perhaps their license plates should end with 007 so we know.